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are the images/sprites AI or handmade?

Character images are AI, UI sprites, map etc are handmade

thats good to know

hey, just reaching out. but is this still being worked on? its fine if its not, kinda sucks because i thought it was great. but just wanted to know if i should keep looking for updates or not. 

Still being worked on and a pretty big update coming VERY shortly! Sorry for taking a while to get back to you.

what fetishes are in the game?


Concept of this game is great.

Also Choosing origin of the character and having snarky remarks was great, but I personally would LOVE the option to increase text size cause my eyes were bleeding.

I am unaware if there is an option to increase text size, but if not would love it in the future updates.

Any idea what could be causing my loading issue? I'll select my character origin, click "Begin," and it'll get stuck perpetually loading. It doesn't look like the game crashes, though it taps about 92-94% of my GPU, which seems odd. 

Naice game. Hardli to find better one (sory for bed english)

Cheers man!

how do i find out more about the concordsmen

At the party, go to the "Conversation Room" on the map by going through the door, and then eavesdrop on them in one of the corners

Will you give Mac version some love too?

Yup, it's about time I finally look at it. Look for a Mac version on here soon!


Man, you got my full support. Months ago I had stopped playing this game because of the map problems, but now that I downloaded it again I noticed just how easy the structure actually is and I'm really appreciating the work. 

Hope you'll continue developing the game, cuz I grow fond of it :) 


Thanks a lot for the words, seriously, and cheers for giving it another chance! The bug-fixing and navigation updates has kind of been a work in progress, but, with this coming release, it should finally be nearing a state I'm happy with!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Simply WOW

I wanted to start by showing my gratitude for this EXCELLENT game,  so big thanks to the developers who are hard working. 

With all honesty, I do not understand why this game does not have 5/5 stars yet... From what I experienced so far (and I have finished this game updates already), this is one of the best games ever made. Once these directions "problems" and  picture sizes are "solved" (which with all honesty is not even an issue), this game will just rock hard straight to the top. 

Let me blunt... If you guys want to have a nice experience, then I absolutely RECCOMEND this game. You just need to adapt and explore at the beginning. 

Good luck. 


lol you're right that this is gonna be a 5🤩 game, but still there are some bugs to be solved which kinda ruin it to 4.9 rn


Yo, seriously, thanks a lot for the words. That's heartwarming man lol. And thanks a lot for playing!

Some changes coming to navigation overall that should make it a bit easier + probably finally a comprehensive walkthrough. Again, cheers man!

omg,how can I find the classroom of the eastern building??????travelled all the way around with no clue

wish there's a better task guide

never mind,the walkthrough works

thanks,when I complete the first charm class,the great sky of nothing welcomed me,sending me to no man'ssky

and most appreciated part is ,the unstuck is not working


Download the most recent version from here:
Fixes most of those issues!


don't know if I am the only one but I literally can't get past the first quest. I get to the room and nothing happens. Wish there was a way to reset a room or something cause it feels like the game is just unfinished as all hell.

me too ,already got 6 knowledge,but have no any knowledge about that

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

You will need to disable BepInEx. It appears to interfere with the conversations that are automatically loaded

I was wondering if you have any plans on making an android build of your game.

Not at this time, I think, sorry! It's not just performance friendly enough atm

ok, thank you for the reply.  Good luck game looks really good

I played your game months ago, eventually I just gave up, and then I started replaying it again and in the end I stopped again because of bugs. My question if I play again is how do I talk/continue a mission when the character I need to talk to is facing an invisible wall? Seriously, the last time I played it demotivated me so much that I uninstalled the game. The story and the game itself is amazing and fun, the problem is the bugs that make you lose the will to continue.... A useful tip is to have a specific update just to solve these problems/glitchs, this will allow you to Future players don't stress about this, and old ones who stopped because of this can start playing your game again. And sorry if English is bad, it's not my first language :(

Thanks a lot for the words! Do you remember when the problem with the invisible wall was? There has been a lot of bugfixing this time around so hopefully it'll run more smoothly now, but you can always drop me a message on Discord if you got a problem and I'll do my best to try and get it fixed

(1 edit)

I think there was a big wall *(which you can pass through) *on the last floor of the big tower situated in front of the secret passage carrying you directly to the dormitory. It was after the snail-like🐌stairs (always on the last floor) on the same floor where the party mission occurs. It was just at the entrance of the floor, where the normal (not snail) staircaise is. 

are you planning on putting your game on steam


I don't think a Steam release is likely, at least not at this time, sorry. It will always be up to date here on itch tho


This game REALLY needs a compass which points you to the direction to your selected quest because I barely started playing this game and I already got lost from the start to reach my very first class, which is not encouraging for the next quests... 😓

You made a castle absurdly pointlessly big because it is empty, it is made of empty long corridors which contain empty rooms and stairs which lead to more empty long corridors, I have a suggestion to help you improve your school and make it actually fun to explore, play the video-games Lego Harry Potter in order to study the level-design and use it as a model to efficiently level-design your own school. 😉

Also, the map is useless because it is merely a picture of the school, it is not an actual map which shows every room, every corridor, every stair and every door, that's really not helpful to watch a vague picture of the castle when the castle is a maze of corridors and stairs and doors, we need a more detailed map.

And this is not even the first trouble that I experienced because even before I started getting lost in your castle, the first trouble that I experienced is interacting with boys whose portraits uncannily look like girls, I first wondered why my bed was in a girls' room, then I thought that they were cross-dressing girls, I mean girls who pretended to be boys for some reason, but upon seeing that EVERY boy in your school is depicted with a girl's portrait which looks nothing alike their 3D face, I thought that something was really off in your game and that I had to talk about it with you, which I am doing.

Also, the controls are absurd, why do you think we need to use left arrow and right arrow keys (or a and d) to turn while we use the mouse to look around? We need left and right arrows to STRAFE and not to turn.

Next, I found a few christian scriptures in Hogwarts, which rub me the wrong way because I think I have to remind you that the christian church HUNTED DOWN AND BURNT ALIVE witches and wizards because magic is contradictory to the christian bible who claims that humans are powerless because only God and his angels have supernatural powers, the christian church is the ENEMY of the magical world and therefore there is NO christian religion in the magical world as they are antagonist and christian scriptures have NO PLACE in Hogwarts, Magical School for Wizards and Witches who are hated by the church, didn't you know that christian associations banned Harry Potter's books from christian schools because "witchcraft shouldn't be encouraged"? So I ask you to respect the consistency of the lore no matter what your personal beliefs are and to not include them in a lore where there is no room for them.


Something else, it is really frustrating to have to point the mouse at everyone and everything while walking in order to check who/what is interactable and who/what is only decorative furniture, please make everyone interactable noticeable by highlighting them to contrast with non-interactive people so we don't have to point the mouse at everybody to check who we can interact with anymore.

Also, on which planet is located Hogwarts exactly? Because Hermione invited me to star-gazing and the sky that I saw was alien, it was full of big floating asteroids and endless showers of shooting stars, definitely not Earth's atmosphere! And this is really weird because Hermione and I were watching this starry-sky full of shooting stars and floating asteroids and we were behaving as if there was nothing out of the ordinary, as if it was a perfectly normal night sky, I really don't understand why you inserted such a sci-fi sky into a Hogwarts story.


Another thing, what exactly went to your mind when you thought it would be a good idea to make the courses an absolutely off-topic and very stressing minigame which has nothing to do with the courses in which we have to move a ball across awfully designed levels with awful controls? This is not fun! This is not relevant! This is stressing! This is meaningless! Please remove this minigame or at the very least keep it for an activity which ACTUALLY is about moving a ball in a parkour and not for activities which have nothing to do with it such as the courses. If the course is about cutting a plant in half then make us cut a plant in half instead of making us move a ball in a parkour which has NOTHING to do with cutting plants.


That's enough! I figured out what is your actual goal with this game now that I witnessed Jabor and Hermione proselyting to Ron, first you spread christian scriptures all around Hogwarts and even inserted a chapel into it which doesn't make sense as the church hates witches and wizards, and now, you even use Hogwarts' teachers to proselyte as they teach that we shouldn't try to reason logically and understand everything, we should have faith without understanding, we should "forgo that rational part of us that wants proofs, order and logic and believe unconditionally" without any justification, without any reason, your game is actually nothing but a tool for religious conversion, you turned Hogwarts into a fucking church, spreading Bible's quotes everywhere and turning Harry Potter's characters into missionaries who teach "the good words" to players who merely want to experience sexy fun in Hogwarts because you are hypocrite enough to use lust to attract people to your faith whereas your church considers lust as a sin, which makes you a sinner, a damned soul, and a fucking hypocrite,  how about you present your game to your church and see how they react to it, hypocrite sinner? 😏

(1 edit) (+5)

Mate, I'm an atheist, not a Christian lmao. I don't think religion should have a big place in the modern world, but I don't actively hate it as you seem to, and I find it really interesting from a historical perspective.

The "Christian scriptures" that you point out aren't really that - they are from the Old Testament. I also purposefully picked ones that highlight just how gruesome the OT is. Do you actually think someone tries to spread the good word by selectively showcasing the excerpts with child sacrifice and angels killing armies of tens of thousands? The conversation with Hermione and Ron wasn't supposed to have big religious connotations either, and was rather just fastfood-level philosophising about chaos vs control. Again I think you are actively searching for something to get angry about here. It's true that the game features religion to and extend, but it's rather that I simply personally find it interesting as a concept, and that it creates for interesting characters, both good and bad. Further in the game there are some bad "religious" guys and some probably straight up heretical comments about Abraham, but there is also a good priest character.

About the boys looking like girls, I actually have no idea what you're talking about. If anything, I feel like I made everyone look too old, considering the characters featured are late-stage teenagers, not grown ups. Fabian looks like a girl, but that's for a couple of reasons. The two other roomates do not.

The rest of your points are somewhat valid concerns, but man you're also a bit of a weirdo 


The more I learn about you, the more I perceive you as a deceiver of fools. 😏

It is really hard to believe that you are an atheist when you include so much religious content into a lore where it cannot be because it is incompatible.

There can't be a chapel nor a priest nor scriptures nor crosses nor anything christian in Hogwarts because christian church is the enemy of witches and wizards, there is nothing christian in all of the 7 books Harry Potter, you inserted it yourself and damaged the lore because you try to insert incompatible content.

For someone who thinks religion shouldn't have a big place in the modern world, you sure as hell try really hard to insert it everywhere in a place where there can't be any, even damaging the lore, between the proselyting dialogues, the scriptures and the crosses everywhere, the chapel and the priest in a school where the church would love nothing more than to burn everyone alive, the chapel's music everywhere even in places where it is not suited, even ruining the day at the lake because of that insufferable off-topic music, it should sound like a fun party and not like a contemplative chapel, you definitely insert something that you think shouldn't have a big place in every possible place where there is no place for it.

I can't stand lack of intelligence and no intelligent being would ever believe that the Bible is a true story, it is full of contradictions and absurdities and your propaganda to not think, not reason, not question, just believe unconditionally, really pissed me off, especially since it is not why people download your game as you advertise it as an innocent porn game in Hogwarts and you don't mention anywhere your proselytism waiting for unaware players.

I don't appreciate that you even try to fool me when you should have realized already that your deception doesn't work on me. You expect me to believe that you actually try to demonstrate how gruesome is the Old Testament rather than worshiping it? Then answer me this: Why? Why do you even try to do such a thing? How is it relevant to a porn game in Hogwarts? How ANYTHING christian is relevant to Hogwarts? Why would you insert irrelevant content into an incompatible lore and damage it if you were not a fanatic obsessed with his religion to the point to insert it into everything he makes? And spare me your bullshit about chaos versus control, it is obvious that was not the topic of the discussion that you wrote, it was undoubtedly reason versus faith. The more you try to fool me, the more you piss me off and the more I am tempted to report your proselytism to both Itch and Patreon because I am pretty sure they are not fond of proselytism, actually no one is but proselytizers themselves.

Why would I purposefully search for reasons to be angry? How being angry would benefit me? I don't download games hoping to get mad at them, quite the opposite, I download them hoping to enjoy them and have nothing to complain about. I didn't download your game with the purpose of criticizing it but I can't help it if you give me so many reasons to NOT enjoy your game.

You got to be kidding me if you are telling me that these are note feminine faces:

Also, you claimed that you made students look too old (which I disagree, they look fine for young adults otherwise your game would be pedophile if they looked any younger), but you made the opposite for Severus Snape, you made him look like a child!

I don't mind you calling me a weirdo because if you found me normal then THAT would be a upsetting statement because that would mean you perceive me as the same as you and I don't want to be the same as you.

Show post...


(2 edits)

How do I listen in to the meeting at Slughorns party?

Go up a floor using the spiral staircase. Then at the open window, press on the vines to climb up!

please dont drop this game, unity will chande mind

It isn't getting dropped, don't worry!


I have a same problem(


In the Friday party mission, where you try to find the room of a girl who wants me to go to her, I open a door and an image of 3 girls appears and the image freezes and I can't do anything. Even when I use forced teleportation to exit, the image freezes. What do I do?

I believe I already talked to you about this on Discord, but in case anyone else looks this up, simply press on "continue". You may have to adjust the resolution a bit if it doesn't show on the screen

i'll try, thx

Where i can find Fabian in the mission called The bath

Sat in a chair in the Common Room!

(1 edit)

There is a bug in the 0.46 version. When i find the 50 galleon treasure on the beach the quest completes without giving me the money.

I reloaded the save and tried different actions, but no matter what i do i dont get any money.

A second bug is in Merulas quest. When i enter the dormroom to get the diary i fall through the world until i reload a save.

Which brings forth a 3rd bug. when i load a save my progress is far, far behind where the save was made, meaning i lose 20-40-60 minutes of preogress that  i now have to redo

how to do the quest called “catch up with your roomates” from Autumn ball quest?

Upper floor of the ballroom

spend like an 1h looking for cellar and failed, you need to do something with map design or isntructions did it with a help of that, you will need it

also just lost 40min of gamplay by using unstuck... nice

Yes, unstuck is only really intended as a last resort. What stage were you on? You can always just poke me on discord and I might be able to resolve it

As for map, there is one right now if you open the menu. From there you should be able to find the first floor of the Western Building where it says the cellar is located 

please! i need help i can't find vluable information for ava in sslughorn party quest,
can't find meaning of vision,

and i can't find abandoed corridor in ghoul quest

1. there is a stair near the entrance to go to the upper floor

2. wait the next update

3. you should use the chair in your room to wait until midnight and find the American on the first floor of western building, the ladder to the corridor is across from him.

really advice you join Discord:, you can find most quest guides there. 

love u so much

save by event make me had to play the game agian for 2 time

Open console by 'i' and enter 'canSave'

Thank you, you are a saver, literally! 😆


l would prefer point and click movement. Any chance of that?

Wasn't exactly in the plans but we'll see

your making AVN for both hands to play it. That’s not gonna work ;)

Deleted 1 year ago

Yep, ball game will see a couple of small changes that should make it slightly less frustrating in the new hotfix that's coming soon. Better directions and maps are on the horizon too but won't make it in this next release. Ty for playing! As for the art, it's standard stable diffusion 


Sorry for if this is beating a dead horse at this point, but I must ask what was the design philosophy behind including the ball mini game?  Its incredibly frustrating, serving only to pad out game time it feels like.  Skipping it if you get stuck and are apparently god awful at video games like me considering I spent 30 mins+ in one of the most demoralizing gaming experiences of my life trying to clear the second one.  
You included a skip function but it punishes the player by giving them less stat points which I presume runs the risk of gating people out of content which makes the usefulness of it questionable.
Sorry if any of this came across as vitrolic its just been incredibly frustrating as the rest of the game feels like there is an actually enjoyable experience there, just gated by this miserable minigame.

(1 edit) (+2)

It's mostly a problem of information (or lack of it). The few stats you lose from it aren't going to make a difference in the grand scheme of things as long as you explore a little, do sidequests, and find things around the castle, but the player is never made aware of this fact. The design philosophy was to have a mini game that's challenging for those that absolutely want to minmax, but I realised that even with this in mind it's still pretty overtuned and frustrating, so I fixed the first one. Left the second one as is as a sort of joke, but now that the game is gaining traction and there are a lot of people telling me it's painfully annoying, I'll get around to fixing it as well, and moving forward, any future ball games of that level will be optional sidequests

And dw, that was one of the nicer posts in terms of pointing out how annoying the ball game is!

Friend, if laggyness is the case there's a suggestion for you that will make everyone's life easier
Obviously, your game doesn't even pretend to be photorealistic, it is full of static non-interactable NPCs and it's massive physically. Sooo maybe it's better to make everything much simpler? All the fun part of the game is in the dialogues, why waste time increasing the amount of polygons of static models that can only idle and go somewhere? And those rooms with 20+ NPCs where only one is interactable. Make two-three variations for little students groups models, create really simple idle animations for them, like REALLY simple, 10-20 frames, and put them somewhere you want to create an illusion of a crowd. This will help gamers to easily find a character we are able to speak with. Make all the interiors and exteriors flat, bumps, columns and other stuff only make it even harder to navigate through! 
All that i'm trying to say is that this game has it's charm, but you have to struggle through all the unnecessary stuff from one interesting character, place or quest to another

If the need in 3D artist is still actual, call me. Never created something game-ready, but heres what I do usually:
Wish you luck friend

Thanks and thanks for the recommendations. Definitely some performance things coming in the next update, but it's unrelated to the models. Since I am definitely not a 3dmodeller, it's always been in the more long-term plans to find someone to fix the models or create entirely new ones. Maybe I will reach out!


tried playing todays version

please add a main menu with options regarding
-mouse sensitivity
-audio volume for the different channels (music, background, voice, etc.)

most male portrays look female. maybe you can give the AI a different set of images for training, containing no female pictures at all.

the mouse cursor always shows, being very irritating.

it is not clear to me, if the cursor or my character's position is important for interaction with items or people

Since the next release will be dedicated to small things around the castle, I'll try and find the time to fit in some quality of life features like you suggested. And I think only Fabian's got that problem, but it's somewhat intentional

ah, i see. thx

Will there be a fast travel system? I kind of gave up because I couldn't find the bridge or the classes. Map didn't really help.

There are some fast travels now but they are unlocked at later stages of the game. If anyone is reading this and having trouble with the bridge, it is on the third floor of the Western Building (the one you start in).

Fabian is a pretty sexable dude.

You said it not me

MacOS ver2 doesn't work either.

Mac version hasn't been updated in a while. Putting up a build for it soon! Apologies for that 

Should be up now!


Anyone know who made the art? I want to know more about the artist, some social media etc. 

Additional disclaimer: the game uses AI generated art
Very hard to navigate without it...

Should be a map if you press enter and click 'map'. It tells you your general location

Can you upload a map of school?


Games extremely laggy, is there a way to turn down the graphics at all, would love to play?


There's a lot that can be done in terms of improving performance and it's something I might have a look at here after the next major content release. Probably like 50% of it is just down to finding a 3d modeller to replace the current models though. I'm definitely not an 3d artist

Are there any story update ?


A beta build with story progression (and a lake party) coming to the Patreon this week. Full release when everything has been tested through in the week after!

Any news on update ?

It's out on Patreon for 4$. Coming as public release soon!

MacOS won't run the game. OS 13.2.1

After extracting I get the game icon but OS can't open that.


Haven't gotten to test it myself on mac, but the build for mac is pretty old. I'll update it within the hour and hopefully that fixes it

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